Do you want to learn how to actually practice Enochian magick? Most books talk about it, but don't go into as much detail about how to actually work this system. Here in my ENOCHIAN Grimoire HANDBOUND in LEATHER Magick Occult, I give such info. Also, this particular edition is handbound, page by page by me, the author! :D This is my own book which I have written, on Enochian magick. It takes a slightly different approach than most books on Enochian in that it guides those both newer, and advanced into connecting and integrating wit the system of Enochian magick. Of course, this book also covers the important aspects of Enochian such as how to decipher the Great Table, and how to figure out and work with the other parts of the Enochian system. +
Included in the book will be lessons about how to practically work with Enochian magic, the making of the tools, how to call and work with the Enochian entities, how to travel the aethyres, and so forth. There are also many images to assist one in understanding the great table, table of practice, as well as the various other diagrams. I have also included a few more risque chapters at the end about how to work Enochian sex magic, as well as a chapter on how to properly work with the cacodemons. Included are many black & white (in this edition to lower costs) images of the tools, as well as multi shaded diagrams for easier comprehension. It has been many years in waiting, and I am finally releasing my Grimoire of Enochian magic in regular print form. Before it was only available in a leather covered handbound (by me) edition. However I am now making it much more accessible to everyone.
Athena's Grimore of Enochian magic
Reviews below
It has been six years waiting, but I am finally releasing my Grimoire of Enochian magic. I will only be releasing 1000 copies, each of which will be handbound in leather by myself, with a hand engraved copper Enochian square on the front (photos coming soon). The book is over 300 large size pages (to fit my diagrams).
Each copy, hand signed by me and consecrated is $349 including s/h to the US, or $369 overseas.
Included in the book will be lessons about how to practically work with Enochian magic, the making of the tools, how to call and work with the Enochian entities, how to travel the aethyres, and so forth. There are also many images to assist one in understanding the great table, table of practice, as well as the various other diagrams. I have also included a few more risque chapters at the end about how to work Enochian sex magic, as well as a chapter on how to properly work with the cacodemons.
The Enochian entities will be helping me create each book so that it is a living and working grimoire. Much effort has been put into the writing of this book, and just as much effort will be put into the binding and production of it. I will be using high quality grade leather for the cover, along with all acid free archival quality boards, paper, glue and even the thread for sewing the pages together. I will also be using flashing red/green silk for the front and back inside cover. If you would prefer leather not to be used with your edition, I can instead use all red/green flashing silk at no extra charge.
There will not be other editions (sorry no softcover), or more then 1000 copies in print (specified by the Enochian entities and so forth). If you wish to order a copy please send me a message and we can work out payment via . I also accept payment plans, however your initial deposit of $100 is non-refundable no matter what since as soon as you pay it will be used to purchase the supplies to make your grimoire.
The special 666th edition will be released in March. There will (obviously) only be one of these. It is the cacodemon edition, and contains an extra chapter completely about the Enochian cacodemons. It will be $666 plus s/h. You must email me before ordering this book as it should only go to someone who is very LHP and has experience in magic.
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"I just got the grimoire. Its very nicely done and has a lot of character. First glimpse looks like there is good info in it too. I'll say more when I've had a chance to work with it a bit. My husband saw the grimoire and complimented your work. That's a rare thing. He is a leather crafter himself and has many handmade books in the collection. He was very impressed with the craft and wants to look through the book should I give him a chance." JT
"I received my copy of Athena's Enochian Grimoire over the weekend. It is a welcome addition to my reference library. I have had a chance to thumb through the grimoire. The book is handcrafted, and covers the Enochian magic system in detail. The grimoire has lessons and exercises for novices and as usual has Athena's wit, and wisdom that is priceless. I don't usually give endorsements, but if it is in your budget, you should consider aquiring your own copy of this remarkable Enochian Grimoire. Seriously though, your grimoire is a very good work. I impressed with the effort you put into the handcrafting of each one." G
"I just got mine on the way to work - picked it up at the post office. I haven't gone through all of it, but I'm so impressed - impressed beyond words. It is amazing quality - the information (as I scanned it) is beyond what I expected. You have content I haven't seen elsewhere on the Enochian system. It's well worth the price. I could go on and on... but I wanted to just leave you a note saying I just got it, and it's amazing. Great work." BW
I have been selling products online for 15 or so years now, and have mailed out a few thousand orders. I also used to run another sellers' auctions with 99.3% feedback, with several hundred winning auctions. This was back in the old days when people could give negative feedback. I also maintain an online website. So you can be assured your order will be packaged well, sent out within 2-3 weeks. You can be assured of a quality product. More information interspersed between the photos.