One inch cast metal seal or pendant of CLAUNECK who has power over goods and riches; he who can discover hidden treasures to him who makes pact with him; he who can bestow great wealth, for he is well loved by Lucifer. He brings money from a distance. Obey him, and he will obey thee. As Waite puts it: "But the operator is advised that he shall obey those who obey him, because the exalted and powerful spirits serve only their confidants and intimate friends.". These are lost wax cast seals of the Daemon Demons of the various grimoires. These are PURE metal which is actually cast, starting with a wax version, which is much higher quality than the 3D printed versions (using metal powder and plastic) you find around the internet. The ones I have ready to go take approximately 2-3 weeks for me to get the wax all ready and cast it. The ones which aren't listed but are under the "other" option take 8 weeks, because well, I still haven't carved their waxes yet! I simply don't know which of the couple hundred Daemon Demon seals folks might want the most ;). They are pictured as just discs here, and you can get them like this if you prefer, but I do either case a bail onto them, or solder one on (depending on the metal used, gold can't cast properly like that for example), so you can use the seal as a pendant.I have been practicing magic for 25 years now. 23 of those years, DAILY! I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase lost wax casting equipment, as well as a few jewelry courses to help enhance my abilities. Though please do keep in mind, these are HAND MADE, so there will of course be slight imperfections due to this. Though no worries, if the actual cast comes out funny looking, I will of course cast another; what I'm referring to is the original design work.I have been selling online for myself, and one other, for 11 years now, and have only had about 6 complaints/demand a refund over that time. (though my work has also improved since then too :D ).options for pure metal being: Copper Brass Bronze Steel or Silver.