Lucifer is one of the main Demons / Daemons of the Grimoirium Verum grimoire. He rules over Europe and Asia. While most have heard of Lucifer, unfortunately very few have seen his true, actual, real seal. Here is is in pendant form, lost wax cast. I offer this seal as either a disc, or made into a pendant, to be worn as a necklace. I include a leather cord along with it.
These seals are especially good for calling upon the particular demon during evocations, as well as to wear generally when working with that particular spirit.
Under Lucifer is: CLAUNECK has power over goods and riches; he can discover hidden treasures to him who makes pact with him; he can bestow great wealth, for he is well loved by Lucifer. He brings money from a distance. Obey him, and he will obey thee. As Waite puts it: "But the operator is advised that he shall obey those who obey him, because the exalted and powerful spirits serve only their confidants and intimate friends.